AZ CD 8 Career Politicians Trash Talk!
Candidate for CD 8 Clair VAN Steenwyk Comments: The CD8 Race Heats Up: Getting Ugly, Election Tuesday – Here are some Links:https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/politics/elections/2018/02/21/debbie-lesko-accused-moving-50-k-campaign-pac-backs-lesko/361429002/https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/politics/arizona/2018/02/23/steve-montenegro-ignores-text-scandal-accuses-debbie-lesko-funding-scheme/369032002/https://www.azcentral.com/story/opinion/op-ed/laurieroberts/2018/02/22/cd-8-s-debbie-lesko-phil-lovas-ill-sue-you/363744002/ The Race for the House seat that Mr. Franks recently had to resign due to his behavior towards staffers in DC seems to be on the rise not only in DC but also in AZ with Mr. Montenegro’s behavior as well, and now Ms. Lesko’s lose behavior with what seem to be violations of the Financial Standards of both AZ and the FEC. It appears the so called front runners former buddies still Trashing one another when opportunity knocked to demonstrate just how much they Covet this Federal…
AZ GOP Career Politicians Can’t Be Trusted!
Clair Van Steenwyk’s Comments: I read the comments in the Briefs about 3 of the 4 Career Politicians I’m running against, and realize I’ve been the brunt of some comments about my abrasiveness as well, however not about being truthful and agree the records of Lesko, Lovas, Montenegro and Stump aren’t what they pretend, I believe a Primary brings out their Real Moral Character in how they run their campaigns and who’ve they’ve supported as well. Lesko voted to strip the AZ Supt. of Public Instructions Authority at the direction of Ducey thru Sen. Biggs, twice with HB 2184, and then SB 1469, also Unconstitutional, Violating her Oath. Lesko stooped to enlisting others to Lie…
AZ is CD 8 For Sale Yet Again?
Yes it is and just need to look to see it. There are signs on almost every corner the Career Politicians own the Real Estate at some places Signs on all 4 Corners. We’d installed 170 signs by Jan. 4th and stood alone for 10 days, then the Invasion started. Career Politicians are putting up 2nd, 3rd and 4th stage of their signs. Considering the cost of signs, Installation, Robo Calls, Mailers, Social Media Ads and TV, they’re Buying a Seat in CD 8 by the Career Politicians, certain none are self financed. I knew this is a blood sport, but really 4 x 3 signs on corners in SCW…
CD 8 & AZ Wake Up to the Political Games Going On!
AZ CD 8 Rigs CD 8 Forums?! Sheriff Mack stated in the MCRC Briefs: We are supposed to be the political party that is against picking winners and losers, but the Establishment just can’t help themselves. Only their crony friends with massive donors are allowed to play in what they always think is their own sandbox. Van’s response, I’m no Crony Friend of GOP or Special Interest Donors, Lobbyists or Career Politicians, and learned running against Flake in 12 and Franks in 14 & 16, as not invited and also not allowed to speak at several events & LD’s, fought at LD’s, County & State, changes must be made by…
AZ’s Career Politicians Can’t be Promoted!
AZ’s CD 8 here’s the Last Candidate Forum take a look and let us know what you think! I was surprised by my Career Politician Opponents actually attacking one another’s records so openly, for over the yrs. when I exposed the Bad Votes of Lesko, Lovas or Montenegro I was accused and attacked of speaking against fellow Republicans, my how the Worm has now turned.I suppose if you are a Career Opportunist Office Holder / Seeker it’s Okay, but if you’re just trying to get the Truth out whether one of my opponents on stage or McCain, Flake and others in the GOP, and not in or running for office…
Surprise Chamber of Commerce CD 8 Candidate Forum
CAREER POLITICIANS SIDE STEP VAN’S COMMENTS! Candidate 4 CD 8 Clair Van Steenwyk: I enjoyed the Forum last Saturday, as my Career Political Opponents actually attacked one another on several fronts such as the comments some made about Trump and who they supported in that primary, National Popular Vote, etc., the excuses given by them didn’t work.I brought up votes on HB 2184 & SB 1469 stripping authority from the Supt., and handing it over to the BOE, or PROP 123 and the theft of Billions of Dollars from AZ Land Trust which Lovas, Lesko and Montenegro all supported no defense given.I commented on the Career Politicians seeking higher paid…
“AZ GOP Voter Fraud” AZ’s Legislators Violated the AZ Constitution and Their Oaths! The following Facts will hopefully Open the Eyes of AZ Voters in CD 8 as to the real Records vs. Rhetoric of Lesko, Lovas and Montenegro, despite the claims of being conservatives they’ve all Voted for Bills that at the very least don’t serve the Voters and some Violate the Oath taken by them to Protect and Defend the Constitution, meaning they’ve Violated their Oaths. In 2015, Republican Executive & Senate leadership led the Senators into blatantly violating the AZ Constitution and Statutes when they added the Biggs Floor Amendment to SB 1469—the general appropriation bill—to create and fund a…
Presidential Race 6 Key States
Comparison of 2012 & 2016 General Election EV Obama / Romney Clinton / Trump Fl. 29 4,235,270 / 4,162,081 + 73,180 4,485,745 / 4,605,515 + 119,770 MI.16 2,561,911 / 2,112,673 + 446,238 2,268,193 / 2,279,805 + 11,612 NC.15 2,178,391 / 2, 270,395 – 92, 004 2,149,117 / 2,328,101 + 178,984 OH.18 2,697,260 / 2,593,779 + 103,481 2,317,001 / 2,771,904 + 454,903 PA. 20 2,907,488 / 2,619,583 + 287,905 2,844,705 / 2,912,941 + 68,236 WI.10 1,613,950 / 1,408,746 + 205,204 1,382,210 /1,409,467 + 27,257 Romney Lost States by 1,024,004 Clinton Lost States by 681,778 EV…
AZ GOP Politics Fake News & Polls
Candidates Comments: Van’s Position on AZ GOP Politics as usual in AZ. I do believe if the Media & Press would follow Frosty’s example, AZ, and for that matter the Nation, wouldn’t be in this shape and continue heading in that direction, with once again increasing the Debt and Adding all types of Pork to the Tax Bill they just passed. We as a People can’t afford more who’ve proven their loyalty to Party or Lobbyists over the People they’re supposedly serving. I, for one, always follow the money and find that it always leads back to those Funding the Candidates by Office Holders Voting against US and for their…
AZ GOP Grassroots FAKE NEWS & POLLS! My comments are meant to show just how the GOP & Career Politicians use the system to plant the names of only those who’ve passed their test of loyalty to the GOP SWAMP MANAGERS, then promoting them as though they are the only ones running, to hopefully assure victory for one of their own and continue Managing the SWAMP. I read the Arizona Republic today and found an article by Hansen & Sanchez about Rep. Franks resignation giving mention to 6 possible Candidates all of whom are in office or have been. Later in the evening I received two calls one Poll was…