• Van's Views


    It’s time for All Americans to Support those in Hong Kong who are Fighting 4 Freedom by Boycotting the Products the Chinese Communist Government uses to Build Up Its’ Military a Threat to the Free World and which also enslaves the Chinese People with work camps, retraining centers which try to Brain Wash those who disagree with the Communist Philosophies which are all EVIL We must Stand with HONG KONG and against the Real Evil of Communism as so many have forgotten what the cost has been of this EVIL form of Government in Russia & China which has cost both nation well over 30 Million of the people there once the Communists took total control and we must show the World that the U.S. still Stands for Freedom and has no problem giving up Cheap Stuff to fill its’ Closets, Toy Chests and Desire for Electronics…

  • Van's Views

    U. S. Constitutional Compliance Only!

    Will You Stand With President Trump and Help Return Sound Government and Moral Values to This Great Country? WE THE PEOPLE must decide whether we will support President Trump by helping him to return sound government and moral values to our Nation as outlined by our Forefathers, or allow the continued decay of our country; whether we will hold our elected officials responsible to US, or allow the continued disrespect for constitutional values and principles.  I am challenging each citizen across our Land to confront each candidate, whether incumbent or not, whether Republican and announced conservative or not, whether for local office, county office, state-wide or national office, confront and stand…

  • Van's Views

    AZ GOP Voters WAKE UP & Protect Your Children!

    AZ Wake Up & Vote Them OUT! The Voter Fraud perpetrated on the Voters by the AZ GOP Representatives who voted 4 voted “Yes”for HB1346 as they’ve said they care about AZ’s children & parent’s rights, and this Vote Proves they don’t.The Large Majority of AZ GOP House of Representatives voted in favor of this so every PC in AZ needs to find others to support in the 2020 cycle and especially in LD22 & LD21 as in LD22- Frank Carroll, Ben Toma; LD21 Kevin Payne, Tony Rivero, and Sen. Rick Gray; LD20 Paul Boyer and the biggest hypocrite of all LD20’s Shawna Bolick, and only 10 GOP Senators Voted against it, check out their; by clicking link and click on 3rd Vote For almost…

  • Van's Views

    U.S.A. Who’s Really at Fault for Child Drowning?

    The FB Storm Troopers blocked the Photo I posted so you’ll only see it here, however nothing you haven’t seen on TV or elsewhere of the Drowning at the Border, guess they don’t want graphics to go with the Statement I made about who’s really at Fault.  By now I’m supposing most have seen this photo and maybe even the interview of the Mother in their apartment in El Salvador, which by the way looked pretty much like many I’ve seen in the US. The question I have is why did the Father of this child decide to put the child at risk by crossing a waterway that obviously moving rapidly with High currents knowing the child couldn’t…

  • Van's Views

    U.S.A., Trump’s Request Pass it On!

    Make all Office Holders and Candidates Pledge to Support, Vote 4 and Abide by It, or No Support. President Trump is asking everyone to forward this email. In three days, most people in the United States will have the message. This is an idea that should be passed around, regardless of political party. The TRUMP Rules: Congressional Reform Act of 2017 1. No Tenure / No Pension. A Congressman/woman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they’re out of office. And, no more perks go with them. 2. Congress (past, present, & future) participates in Social Security. All funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the Social…

  • Van's Views

    Who Really Elected the Congresswoman from the Bronx

    America who’s really behind the movement to take over the Democratic Socialist  Party, and eventually Our Nation?This video should explain at least in part what’s going on and don’t think it can’t succeed as most in the leadership have been leading us down the path to Socialism, and now the new group intends to move at jet speed rather than by old methods applied in the past.This should trouble all of us who Love Freedom no matter your party, but far to many know little or nothing about it and the press once again has no intention of shining any light on it, so take a look at the Video and Share it…

  • Van's Views

    USA Time To End the Fiasco in DC There’s No Evidence to Try President Trump

    You can’t Exonerate without a Trial 1st and there won’t be One! I hope anyone who watched the side show now understands the true job of the AG’s office isn’t to find someone guilty or innocent but to prosecute only if there is evidence to do so otherwise no case can be brought, and as to the term that is so loosely thrown around by Reporters and the Dems in DC of Exonerate, (To Exonerate someone is to declare him not guilty of criminal charges.) This word should only be used in reference to proceedings in a court of law, in other words a Jury or Judge are the only…

  • Van's Views

    Who’s Running 4 U. S. Senate in AZ?

    Take a Read to a Question asked by LD 22 Secretary! There was a question submitted to the Republican Briefs on 7/30/19 about whether of not I was considering running for the U.S. Senate, and since I know many of you don’t get the Briefs decided to post the question and my response to it. LD 22 Secretary Greg Rucker: I have a “get him on the record” question I would like to ask Clair Van Steenwyk. To wit: “Van, yes or no, are you contemplating a run in the 2020 Arizona U.S. Senate Race? Please respond in the Briefs. Thanks.” Clair Van Steenwyk’s response:Hi Greg; It’s been sometime since we last spoke and hope all…

  • Van's Views

    Socialist Democrats are the Political Terrorists & Racists!

    Terrorists Goal is to Implant Terror in their Enemies! According to the Socialist Democrats the Pictures of these Three Presidents would then qualify as either Racists or Terrorists,  these Presidents Hoover, Truman & Eisenhower Deported Illegal Aliens, and Eisenhower stated very clearly that when you have people within your Borders and don’tKnow Who They Are, It’s Called an INVASION, so President Trump is in very good Company when he says we’re being Invaded and follows up by Deporting them, so now lets look at the Socialist Democrats who say these and the rest of us are Racists for wanting Our Elected Officials to Secure not only Our Borders but to also to Remove the Invaders. The Socialist Democrats began in 2016 by calling us Deplorable and Irredeemable as well, and now have moved on by calling us either Racists or Terrorists 1st for wanting…

  • Van's Views

    The Ignorance of Voters led on by the Stupid Politicians Leads the U. S. into Slavery!

    The Cause of Our Election Results are due to  the Ignorance of the Voters which has been led to the having Stupid Elected Officials Leading the Nation deeper into Socialism. Ignorance Defined: What is the difference between stupid and Ignorant?Ignorance is a state of being Uninformed and Unaware. It can also mean that a person is to lazy to notice something, or is doing so Deliberately. Now as for Stupidity, it’s knowing what is Right and trying to find it in the Wrong.  STUPIDITY IS NOT THE LACK OF KNOWLEDGE BUT THE ILLUSION OF HAVING IT! When you combine these definitions in the Political World you find that the results of the combination is devastating to a Republic as we were warned by our Founders it would be as they clearly stated: It will take a MORAL PEOPLE to Maintain Our Republic and by definition…

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