America 1st vs. American Marxism
We must Stand TogetherView, Read, Like & Share Link to Video: https://rumble.com/vhzwor-america-1st-vs.-american-marxism.html What is Marxism in simple terms? Marxism is the name for a set of political and economic ideas. The basic ideas are that: The world is split into two classes (groups) of people. These are the workers and the richer capitalists who exploit the workers. What does a Marxist believe in? Marxism is a social, political, and economic philosophy named after Karl Marx, It examines the effect of capitalism on labor, productivity, and economic development and argues for a worker revolution to overturn capitalism in favor of communism, however in the U.S.A. they’re using Race as the Tool to…
Biden’s G7 Globalist Movement
America 1st vs. Globalists We must Stand TogetherView, Read, Like & Share Link to Video: https://rumble.com/vijdwx-bidens-g7-globalist-movement.html Biden’s trip to Europe with the G7 approved Worldwide 15% Tax on American Businesses and may go to 20% if you have a 10% Profit Margin, this will destroy America’s Businesses and Our Jobs / Futures, it’s Anti American, National Sovereignty, and Free Enterprise, this is an attempt to put All Nations under the control of a Central Government by controlling the Taxes they charge, and I’m certain will lead to a Global Minimum Income Tax on Individuals, and eventually a One World Government, we know the EU didn’t work as the United Kingdom pulled…
Lincoln’s Juneteenth Freedom Day
America Celebrate Freedom TogetherRead, View, Like & Share Link to Video: https://rumble.com/viulgf-lincolns-juneteenth-freedom-day.html President Lincoln the 1st Republican President made the decision to fight to Free All Slaves in the USA is something all American’s must be Proud to Celebrate Our Newest National Holiday as this Holiday came at a great cost to those who made it possible that righted a wrong committed by Americans on Black Americans for well over a century, and took an extraordinary leader in President Abraham Lincoln, and all who voted for him knowing he’d End Slavery in America and did so knowing what the cost would be. . President Lincoln was assassinated by a Southern Activist…
America 1st vs. Biden’s Green Energy
What’s the Real Plan for U.S. Going Green? View, Read, Like & Share We’re all hearing about the Electric Cars that are coming and the U.S. Government plans to subsidize them to the tune of $159,000,000,000.00, and that’s the Policy of the Socialist Dems as they try to Force Americans to buy into the deal, however as this past winter proved in Texas this Green Energy of Wind, Solar etc. left Millions with No Power meaning No Heat, Lights, Phones etc., this is one more way the Marxists now in control in DC and many State Capitals as well as influencing many GOP office holders to Vote with them on several issues…
Don’t Defund Police Support Them!
Defunding Police will bring us the Federal Government’s Gustapo Police Force View, Read, Like & Share Link to Video: https://rumble.com/vgkqsx-dont-defund-police-support-them.html The Socialists and their Globalists Allies are hoping to get the more to cry out to Defund the Police, this comes mostly in the Socialist Democrat Governed / Ruled Cities in what they consider their Private Plantations, and use the Black Lives Matter and Antifa to create incidents with the Police by Rioting, Looting, and Burning down Small Businesses to create the Chaos in these cities to Fuel the Fire to Defund the Police, which is the worst thing that could happen to the Inner Cities of Chicago, Seattle, Portland, LA, etc.…
United Socialist States of America?
Socialists using Illegal Immigration & Institutional Racism / Critical Race Theory as their Weapons of Choice to Destroy Our Republic View, Read, Like & Share Critical Race Theory is now being used by the Socialists in power in DC & across America, however it’s the Retread the Marxists used to divide Capitalists and Workers in Europe, Asia and So. America, however, realized this old dog wouldn’t hunt in the U.S.A., so they devise a new plan of using Race to Divide Americans and thereby bring about a Socialist Government in America and then the World, as once America falls into Socialism the World will no longer have a Defender to Stand…
Impeach Biden 4 Border Policy Invasion
Biden must be Impeached for Treason View, Read, Like & Share The Biden Administration’s Border Policy is an Act of Treason and he needs to be charged with Treason & Impeached God Bless You All; Clair Van Steenwyk
America’s been Invaded & Occupied
Wake Up the United States Invasion & Occupation is a Well Laid Out Plan by Socialist Globalist ElitesView, Read, Like & Share The United States was 1st Invaded by the British in the War of 1812 and once again in the 20 & 21st Centuries, however the 1st time our US Government fought and repelled the Invasion, and even in the 20 Century Hoover, Truman & Eisenhower repelled the Invasion by those entering Illegally by deporting them, and in fact President Eisenhower announced that when you have people within your Borders and you don’t know who they are, it’s called an Invasion and must be repelled. President Eisenhower when leaving office warned…
China Used a Virus to Assist their Manchurian Biden Surrogate to Defeat President Trump and Install Biden whose Socialist Democrat Party to Fundamentally Transform America, as they say Never let a Crisis go to Waste. View, Read, Like & SHARE Video Link: https://rumble.com/ved5xf-china-virus-un-declared-war-w-sa.html President Eisenhower warned us about the Government Agencies at all Levels that would Dictate what US Citizens can & can’t do, as the Socialist Democrats & some Republicans at Federal, State, County &Cities are taking Our Freedoms away without even Firing a Shot, or Declaring Martial Law, and they used the China Virus Crisis to do it, as they say Never let a Crisis Go To Waste, and they didn’t.…
Biden’s Social Media Free Speech Police
AZ: We’ve now been Suspended by Social Media Giant’s Cancel Culture / Marxist Goons. I’ve been doing a number of Videos the last few months and posting them on Social Media w/ commentaries of course to explain to those interested in a more detailed way with info etc. to keep the video time shorter to attract viewers. The Videos that have been taken down are on AZ Voter Fraud as they stated the following in their message to me after taking down the video. You Tube Message: 1st Warning: Hi Clair Van Steenwyk, Our team has reviewed your content, and, unfortunately, we think it violates our spam, deceptive practices and scams policy. We’ve…