Dems + GOP = Uni Party
AZ Politics is No Different than DCRead, View, Like & SHARE AZ Politics is No Different than DCRead, View, Like & SHARE View Video: https://rumble.com/vl7ibt-dems-gop-uni-party.html Jean & I Thank those who've Supported us in the past, and we're asking You for your Donations from $5 to $50 to send to my email: cjjmvs@gmail.com or phone #; 623-692-9990 or if you have a checking acct. to Clair Van Steenwyk 13726 West Gable Hill Dr. Sun City West, AZ 85375, made out to Clair Van Steenwyk for AZ Senate, so together with your Support we'll move forward to Represent not just our LD but All AZ Voters to Secure Our Ballot Box with…
Is Biden a Success?
Biden's followers believe he's Great Read, View, Like & SHARE Video: https://rumble.com/vlie71-is-biden-a-success.html I attended a meeting at the Sun City Grand Republican Club that was held in Sun City West and explained the difference between all of them believing Biden's a Failure and the Marxist Dems believe he's successful in his 1st 7 months in office. Let's start with his decision to shut down the Pipeline making America Dependent on the Middle East Arabs for our Energy supply, and this is successful because it gave them more Money to Spend on Terrorism and all Americans less Money to Spend on their Families due to increasing the Price of Gas which also…
American Citizens Right to Vote
Most Americans don’t know Career Politicians or Challengers Records, Parties, Politicians and Special Interests know Voters don’t research Records leaving Our Republic on a Cliff. Voting on personalities rather than Qualified Candidates who support the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, personality contests are okay when Voting for Prom Queens, time to find someone who does research and Make Informed Decisions to Save Our Republic Form of Government or continue voting as in the past pushing Our Rights over the Cliff. Thousands of Americans have Fought & Died for Our Freedoms so Honor their Sacrifices, Garner the Information needed to Save Our Republic, recall many Voters didn’t Like President Trump in 2016, I Thank God enough of us Voted…
Biden’s CDC Dictates to America
Biden & CDC Now Dictate Law View, Read, Like & SHARE IT Link to Video & Post: https://rumble.com/vkt7qj-bidens-cdc-dictates-to-america.html Biden is handing out mandates by using Government Agencies to force Property Owners from collecting Rents and puts their Financial Futures at Risk as it’s costing them 18 Billion Dollars each month, and many of them rent out 2nd homes or condos as I myself owned 32 Rentals at one time and depended on the Income to pay the mortgages and do repairs, this is putting these landlords futures at Risk and doesn’t really affect any Major Corps. who’s portfolios are in the Millions of dollars including Banks who own properties and the…
Pelosi Takes Over DC
America Stand Up and FightView, Read, Like & SHARE IT Link to Video: https://rumble.com/vkigdn-pelosi-takes-over-dc.html Pelosi is Ruling the House as though she’s already been elected to Rule for a Lifetime, and she has Republicans in the House assisting her in the Power Grab, it’s not unlike the Power Grabs done in Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuela and other Nations the Marxists have taken over in the last Century, and if you think it is you aren’t a student of History, as they to divided the citizens with Issues to confuse them while they took power and hung onto it at the cost of well over 100 million people not including Abortions and…
Insurrectionists Destroying America
Domestic Enemies Across America View, Read, Like & SHARE IT Link to Video: https://rumble.com/vk3yf1-insurrectionists-destroying-america.html We have Domestic Enemies at work to destroy the USA from the Top of Gov., Business, Political Parties, Special Interest Groups, Universities, Think Tanks, Most Media etc.. Our Nation is under attack by those in office from the Federal Gov. to the Local Government & School Boards, and most Free thinking Americans can see it and pray that those so many depend on for the Truth would begin to speak the Truth about the Anarchists attempting through Legislation, Media, Press, Internet etc. Propaganda what they’re up to, rather than being so vague in their presentation by making such…
Marxist DC vs. America’s Freedom
Federal Gov. New Plan to Destroy the RepublicView, Read, Like & SHARE The federal government and those who work inside it along with other Political String Pullers couldn’t get the Agenda 21 plan to work so they’re reversing policy by bringing Agenda 21 to the Suburbs, and the Elites and Foreign Governments are buying up Housing in the Suburbs to make a Fortune while they assist in its implementation. Let’s examine Black Rock, and Foreign Governments and others are busy buying Private Property from single family houses to acres of land in the Suburbs. The reason for this is quite simple when you closely look at what the Federal Government…
AZ Legislators Violated their Oath of Office
The National Popular Vote if Ever Passed Would Turn the USA into a Socialist Nation Permanently! In their infinite wisdom, the United States’ Founders created the Electoral College to ensure the STATES were fairly represented. Why should one or two densely populated areas speak for the whole of the nation? The following list of statistics has been making the rounds on the Internet. It should finally put an end to the argument as to why the Electoral College makes sense. Do share this. It needs to be widely known and understood. There are 3,141 counties in the United States. Trump won 3,084 of them. Clinton won 57. There are 62 counties in New York State. Trump…
Happy Birthday U.S.A.
Unite & Celebrate Freedom Together Read, View, Like & Share American citizens must All Celebrate the 245 yrs. of Freedom United on the Goal of passing Freedom onto Future Generations of American Citizens, and this passes the Hope of Freedom onto Generations of citizens of other Nations around the World of having more Freedoms tomorrow than they do today as have past Generations of Americans paid with their Lives, Funds and Dedication to over the last 245 yrs. of the United States of America. I hope we’ll all reflect on not only what our Founders gave to All Americans but also the Gift they gave to the World, here are…
Mad Scientists Plan 4 USA
USA 1st Warning Genetic Engineering to End Global Warming & End America’s Meat EatingRead, View, Like & Share Link to Video: https://rumble.com/vj6gtx-mad-scientists-plan-4-usa.html There was a World Festival of Science held a few years ago to discuss Solutions to Global Warming, and they came up with what Expert Matthew Lound calls Ethical Framework Bio Ethnic Genetic Engineering to Reduce the size of Man which reduces the size of Man, which is what they consider to be causing Global Warming along with a Pill which would cause Nausea so we’d no longer like Meat, these solutions and others are Frankenstein Science and this type of Science was used by Hitler in WWII to…