Purple Senate Candidate Rep. Livingston in LD 22 Violated Protocol!
AZ Legislators Seem to Believe Rules Don’t Apply to Them LD 22 has been using a Golden Slate to promote GOP Candidates to the Voters in LD 22 Precincts and has been successful in this endeavor in past elections. However in the 2018 August Primary it was decided not to use the Golden Ticket for the Primary so as not to confuse the Voters in the General and this was announced at the LD 22 meetings. Each Precinct choose its’ own Candidates and got the layouts from the LD Board, they then had them printed and delivered them door to door to the Voters in their Precincts to inform the…
Who Are Citizens?
Illegals Aren’t Citizens! Let’s clarify the term “Natural Born Citizen!” Framers of the U.S. Constitution knew what they intended when restricting the Office of the Presidency to “Natural Born Citizens,” and why they imposed it. Pretending not to understand the term in order to elect an individual who doesn’t qualify doesn’t change the unconstitutionality of the act. Link:https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/natural_born_citizen Let’s expose the unconstitutional and unlawful application of the term, “Birthright Citizen” to children born on U.S. soil who are NOT Citizens of the U.S. by birth; AKA: “Anchor Baby.” The terms are erroneously applied in the U.S. to a federal statute derived directly from the 14th Amendment: Immigration and Nationality Act. Chapter 1.…
AZ US Senate Candidate Ward Joins No on NPV
NPV Vilolates ULD 22 Senate Candidate Clair Van Steenwyk comments on AZ Candidates Opposed to the National Popular Vote: I’ve spoken to and contacted many AZ Candidates about on the issue of the NPV to ask if they Support it or Not, and here’s the latest to respond to our question. We sent this question; The NPV has become quite a hot subject in the last few weeks, and almost daily is being talked about in the Briefs, and so far no one is in favor or supporting or voting for anyone running who voted 4 it, and here’s the response from:( U.S. Senate Candidate Dr. Kelli Ward: I do…
Can AZ Really Be Bought by RINOs?
We all had Better Hope & Pray History Doesn’t Repeat Itself!Comments by LD 22 Senate Candidate Clair Van Steenwyk:I read the MCC Briefs this morning as usual and couldn’t help but notice once again a personal attack against me endorsing for my opponent in LD 22 Senate Race, so for any who read it here’s the one part I’m referring to at this point.For those who don’t know or for that matter don’t care what the Definition of Perennial is, I thought it might be a Good time to post it so all can see it’s actually more of a Compliment than I’m certain they’d care to give me, so…
Will AZ Go Blue or Just More Purple in 2018?
AZ Democrats Plan to Win AZ US Senate & CD 8 The Democrats did much better than they ever imagined in the CD 8’s Special Election in April, and will now move forward with a plan to win the AZ US Senate Seat and CD 8 plus some AZ Statewide and LD Seats as well and have an Extra Special Plan to do so. Here are some numbers from the Special CD 8 Election that show us just how close we came to losing CD 8 to the Democrats in April of 18.CD 8 comprised of 9 LDs including 1, 4, 13, 15, 20, 21, 22, 29 and 30, and 142 Precincts with 455,066 Registered Voters with an average age of 43.Results:Mail in Ballots: 48.5% Cast by Republicans 27.7% Cast by Democrats 23.8%…
Do Socialist Democrats Really Hate Trump or US?
We continue to hear how the Democrats hate President Trump and use that excuse to stop his appointments and vote against legislation and the WALL. The Real Question we need to ask is what or who does the Socialist Democratic Party really Hate that causes them to mislead the Lost Sheep who vote and support them election after election.The Truth is the Socialist Democrats really Hate FREEDOM and all it has Delivered to the American People since the 1700’s and hope to end it by slowing down President Trump and continuing to Lie to those who Vote for them, with the Lies they spout so easily no matter what the…
Teachers Strike for Pay Not Education!
In 2017 the average Arizona teacher salary was $48,472, while the Arizona per capita income was $41,633, a percentage difference of nearly 15%. The #RedforEd group is demanding that increased taxes be imposed on everyone to generate additional revenue for teacher pay. Is this a good idea? Most “per capita income” individuals work in the private sector. How do employers determine the value of jobs? Why is the average salary of Arizona government school teachers so much higher than per capita income? With their higher average salary ($6,839 higher), teachers nonetheless claim they are underpaid. Their endless public relations campaigns have convinced most people to believe them. A few years…
Cowardly AZ State Officials!
AZ’s Governor and Legislature decided to give Teachers a raise. I thought PROP 123 passage settled the Salary Issue; according to the Ads and the Speeches the Legislators gave at LDs when selling PROP 123. Consider Secretary of State Reagan not mailing out some-400,000 voter information pamphlets on PROP 123 until 8 days after the Early Ballots, and Attorney General Brnovich doing nothing about it–which I believe was to assure PROP 123 a win—and the $5,000,000 spent on Ads to sell the Big Lie by all of them. Our then-AZ State Treasurer and I warned the LDs PROP 123 was Illegal and wouldn’t deliver. They said we were wrong, and…
Birth Right Citizenship, Secure Borders, Merit Immigration, Illegal Aliens
Positions on Natural Born, Birth Right Citizenship, Merit Immigration & Illegal Aliens / Low Cost Labor The US Constitution clearly requires the Federal Government to Protect the States from Invasion, with at least 1 million Illegal Aliens coming across our southern border into the States each year it’s clearly and invasion. In 1954 President Eisenhower stated if you have people within you borders and don’t know who they are, it’s called an Invasion. Ike also Protected and Defended America as Our European Commander during WW II), (deporting plan in June of 1954), take a lesson from a Real Commander in Chief who saw the danger of an invasion by Non…
AZ GOP Republicrats in Charge!
LD 22 PC & Former Candidate 4 DC 8’s Open Seat Clair Van Steenwyk; The Maricopa County Briefs March 9th points to the behavior of so called conservative legislators, and we need to look at what they mean by Conservative as it’s not what some may think, but an entirely different meaning by their Political Standards, as they’re trying to Conserve Politics as Usual in AZ. My comments written and stated during CD 8 Primary about former Gov. Brewer bringing us Common Core, Obama Care and a Tax Increase meant for Education ending up in the General Fund, but the Press and GOP Elites didn’t mention this Fruad to AZ…