H-1B vs. MAGA Part I
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Vivek R. & Elon M. favor H-1B vs. American Born workers, as Vivek said our Culture get a C grade on who they admire, this is a comment I totally disagree with as do most American Citizens and Legal Immigrants, and yes that seems to have escaped these two very Wealthy & Successful people one who came here Elon on an H-B1 Visa himself and Vivek’s parents who immigrated here, and Vivek is now a citizen due to what is called birth right citizenship, which I might Add Pres. Trump wants to End as there is No Law to Support the Practice and never has been one.
H-1B Visa system is used by many USA Companies to import employees both for High Tech and Entry level jobs such as accounts and low tech IT workers, not because they can’t find US Citizens who are more than qualified but because they hire them at lower pay and the Profits from that go to the Bottom Line to make those who run the Companies look like they’re doing a Great Job which would normally get them a Bonus and Increase in Salaries.
Pres. Trump ran on Make America Great Again and that must 1st off Benefit Americans with a level playing field and at present we don’t have one when it comes to the H-1B Visa program as it’s rigged and abused by the Employers who stack the Deck with thousands more applying for them than needed, and since it’s a Lottery and not based on Merit they do, and if they don’t employ them directly they bring them in the Back Door by have one of their Consulting Firms get them and use this person in spite of the Policy.
I’d say Elon & Vivek are having a Negative effect on Citizens and have now gotten President Trump to allow this to go on even though he signed Exec. Orders to change it that Biden canceled, so for me it’s time to Once Again make certain We the People contact Pres. Trump by all means at our disposal such as Social Media, Phones, Telegrams, Mail, and for those who live in Florida form a Parade and drive around his Residence etc., and Hope he’ll Listen to US and announc he'll submit Legislation to change how it works before its used by Companies they must Put American Workers 1st and only when they can’t find a Qualified US Citizen can they use the system, but the person they use must be Hired on Merit not a Lottery, and No Low Entry Level Jobs, hope All of US can Agree on this.
ATTENTION: The comments below I added after original Post, as I didn't realize people had forgotten what Disney did in 2015, and were aren't talking about High Tech.
(I want to Refresh Your Memories, in 2015 Disney used the H-1B program to replace workers in their Hotel Division and had the people who they were terminating Train them, now how can you use someone not qualified to do a job to train their Replacements, and there are others besides Disney as well, so lets fix it and End the Abuse before we Allow it to be used again.)
For all who don’t know this for me MAGA means Make America Godly Again and quite frankly that will Make Americas Great Again, after all we were Founded on that principle and hope we can All Pray for that.
God Bless You All; Clair Van Steenwyk