Real Cost of Making Money / Elon’s Wrong on This One!
Read, Comment, Like, ShareDenomination Estimated Lifespan* Cost to Print$1 6.6 years 15.4 cents$5 4.7 years 5.3 cents$10 5.3 years 5.5 cents$20 7.8 years 6.0 cents$50 4.7 years 19.4 cents$100 23 years 15.4 centsCoins Estimated Lifespan CostsPenny 30 years 4 centsNickel 30 years 14 centsDime 30 years 6 centsQuarter 30 years 15 cents The Real Cost of Making Money can't be measured by the Initial Cost of the Coining or Printing, but the True Cost is only measured by the Time what you make is Truly in Service and that far exceeds the Intial Cost as you can clearly see by the Diagram above, so what should We the People Really…
Is Sen. Fetterman a Political Opportunist 2026 Penn. Gov. Or?? ?
Read, Like, Comment & ShareFetterman talks a good game, however when push comes to shove how's he really Voting, on Trump Appointees 9 Yes, on 4 No & on 3 Didn't Vote at all, so lets take a look at the 4 he wouldn't Vote 4, they include the following for Health and Human Services Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and the country’s National Intelligence Agencies Tulsi Gabbard, Office of Management and Budget Vought, and of course he also vote against Dept of Defense Sec. Hegseth, plus there are 3 more he didn't Vote at all.Sen. Fetterman only then out of 16 Appointees only supported 9, that's 60% of the time…
USA, Cities Closed Down by ???????????
This past weekend we've had several cities highways shut down by people who say they basically are Demanding that the USA Stops Deporting Illegal Immigrants and I understand that to mean they approve of Open Borders, which will lead to No Rule of Law and No USA as a result of that the USA will cease to exist as a Sovereign Nation. There's a group that basically believes the following: The term used to describe the idea of the Western US states being returned to Mexico is called "Reconquista," which translates to "reconquest" and refers to the belief that territories currently part of the United States should be returned to…
Birth Right Citizenship?
This Discussion about President Trump’s Executive Order denying Birth Right Citizenship is being attacked by those on the Right & Left, and they actually believe he’s wrong on this issue even though there’s No Law Congress ever passed allowing it. Dred Scott an enslaved Black man, sued for his freedom in 1846. Scott claimed that living in free states and territories made him a free man.The Supreme Court ruled against Scott, stating that Black people could not be citizens and could not sue in federal court.The decision also invalidated the Missouri Compromise, which attempted to balance the number of free and slave states. What was the Impact?The decision was a…
H-1B vs. MAGA Part II
Now let’s examine just what the rules are to get an H-1B Visa; You must have a Masters or Doctorate Degree from a USA University.There are supposedly 65,000 + 20,000 Additional Visas issued each year.Here’s how the real #’s work;1st. Entry Level Salaries are $42,000 or 36% Less than standards.2nd. Qualified Level Salaries are $21,000 or 18% Less than standards, these are experienced median level wage.3rd. Premium Salaries are $ 21,000 more than standards.These different levels cause a question for me, why is it that the 1st two categories earn less than the standards now being received by those they’re replacing and the top level receives more than they’re replacing?Here’s…
H-1B vs. MAGA Part I
Internet Broadcast Live or if you're unable to Listen Live You can still listen in later. Short Link: http://tobtr.com/s/12393836 Vivek R. & Elon M. favor H-1B vs. American Born workers, as Vivek said our Culture get a C grade on who they admire, this is a comment I totally disagree with as do most American Citizens and Legal Immigrants, and yes that seems to have escaped these two very Wealthy & Successful people one who came here Elon on an H-B1 Visa himself and Vivek’s parents who immigrated here, and Vivek is now a citizen due to what is called birth right citizenship, which I might Add Pres. Trump wants…
Campaign Promises Made, Will They Be Kept?
President Trump promised that he’d Shrink the Gov. and Deport Illegals not just Criminal Illegals, and by Law anyone Entering Illegally is a Criminal, so what’s going on in DC and why has the Original Statement to Deport Illegals changed from the Message in the Primary Election? Pres.Trump says he’ll deport more Illegals than Pres. Eisenhower, well let’s look at Ike’s Record; (Eisenhower, in office 1953-1961, oversaw a vigorous federal effort that removed Illegal Mexican Immigrants from the Southwest. The result was not 13 million deportees, but "probably less than 1.3 million," as there was no decimal point put in place, and by the way Pres. Eisenhower Deported those who’d…
Biden’s Pardon Handouts!
We need to understand just why Pres. Biden is preparing more Pardons and believe this will extend to more Family Members, however will probably also include a # of his Cabinet and others.Not a Big Leap to understand why his family members as all the government agencies need to do is Follow the $$$$ the Biden Political Favor Handout Crime Family became so Wealthy, and if he pardons All of them then it would End All the Investigations of All of them. Now why would Biden also Pardon members of his Cabinet and Agency Heads as well, the main reason is if not difficult to understand why they need Pardons…
Was the 14th Amendment 4 Illegal Immigrants?
What was Dred Scott v. Sandford and why is it important of 1854?In this ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court stated that enslaved people were not citizens of the United States and, therefore, could not expect any protection from the federal government or the courts. The opinion also stated that Congress had no authority to ban slavery from a Federal territory.The Reconstruction Amendments Meant to Give Rights to those previously Enslaved and not for todays Illegals or those who were born to illegals. The 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the United States Constitution, also known as the Reconstruction Amendments, were passed after the Civil War to address the social and…
AZ Dems Politics of Fear & Disinformation
I received this from a friend of ours a few days ago about this flyer being thrown in his Driveway, and whoever threw it is basically a Political Coward in Sun City West, AZ 85375, which by the way is a Del Webb Senior Community, however I'm finding out that at times many of those supporting the other side in this Political War are Cowards and seem to enjoy this type of Smear Campaigning. I do believe the other side is getting desperate and also don't have the courage to come to their Front Door and Ring the Bell or Knock and face them, as this is done by driving…