USA’s Hot War w/ China is Real
America this is Real! View, Read, Like & Share Our political leaders believe and push the Theory we’re in a Cold War w/ China as do most businesses and Professional Sports Organizations like the NBA, which by the way is more loyal the China then the USA, but no surprise it’s all about them making $$$$$$$, you know Sell Your Soul for a Buck or a “Renminbi” is the official name of the currency, it means “the people’s currency”. The Truth is China Declared War years ago and have spied on us, stealing technology, infiltrating our Government, Schools, Businesses and of course Politics as well. America has Financed China since Nixon opened the Door for Trade with them, many believed if Nixon hadn’t suceeding Presidents wouldn’t have as Nixon was a hard liner against Communism enabling…
Do You Trust Election Results?
AZ’s Ballot Harvesting Leads to Ballot Stuffing! Read, View & Share AZ’s laws allow Ballot Harvesting to turn into Ballot Stuffing and our AZ State Legislators have refused to deal with this by amending old laws or writing new ones, what are they afraid of? AZ Laws allow either a relative or care giver to turn in ballots, and don’t require proof that they’re related or a caregiver, citizen, old enough to vote or resident of AZ, this practice has been encouraged by Maricopa County Recorders, and our Maricopa County Supervisors sit silently by and have done nothing, including petitioning for New Laws to prevent Ballot Harvesting. I believe most elected officials and candidates are more concerned about winning elections than protecting Our God Granted Right…
Do Black Lives Matter in America?
AZ What’s Your Response to that Question? Read, View, Share & Like This question itself has a subtle way of intimidating some as they know that Black Lives Matter as do Hispanic, Anglo, Asian, Indian etc., however the times we live in when they try to say All Lives Matter then some decide to call them Racists so they stay silently on the sidelines and say and do nothing to make what we all want to happen to come about for All of US. I believe one real way to examine this question is to look at what History teaches all of us about this question, and is what Blacks experienced much differently than what all Humanity has faced over 1,000’s of years so let’s take a look…
Clair Van Steenwyk Thanks Our AZ & Maricopa Supporters + Endorsements?
Clair Van Steenwyk Thank You All Read, View & Share Jean & I want to thank all of you who supported us in the Race 4 Maricopa County Recorder, as we knew it wouldn’t be an easy race, however you turned out and brought along your relatives and friends many were 1st time voters, it’s a Blessing watching how involved you were, and Exercising Your Right to Vote is an unforgettable experience. The calls, emails, messages we received asking questions not just about my race but others in AZ, your trust in my opinions of those in Office and Challengers proved to us no matter the outcome it was worth the effort seeing so many searching for Information before Voting, and for this I…
America What’s the Intent of U.S. Constitution on Natural Born Citizen?
View & Read Article Article II of the Constitution states: “No Person except a natural born Citizen . . . shall be eligible to the Office of President.” Donald Trump thinks Sen. Ted Cruz is not a “natural born Citizen” and that he is therefore constitutionally ineligible to be president. Is Trump right? Cruz was born in 1970 in Calgary, Canada, to a U.S. citizen mother and a Cuban citizen father, and therefore not a Natural Born Citizen, nor is Rubio. The 1790 statute, however, was not intended to address presidential eligibility. Rather, like earlier English statutes that referred to “natural born subjects,” it exempted children born abroad from the need to…
Clair Van Steenwyk’s Concession Announcement
Americans Wake Up to Political Truths View, Read & Share Jean & I want to Thank All of those who Voted for us in our effort to restore trust in the Voting Process in Maricopa County and continue to believe that the Business Plan we laid out is the only process that would allow that to happen. We realized once responding to voters requests to run we’d get little if any assistance from the GOP and we were right in that evaluation, as 17 out of 20 LD’s never allowed us to make presentations at their PC meetings, and only 4 GOP Clubs in Maricopa County long before the China Virus…
Anarchy within U. S. Borders
No I don’t believe the Cop who HATED enough to KILL George Floyd knew the Anarchists are using to Tear the U.S. apart, we need to take back control of Our Nation and begin to show the Love we actually do have for one another and Stop the Hate that’s being allowed by Our Silence and No Response to Divide US, we’re all Americans living in a Free Nation and we need to Protect One Another, this can’t be done when One Side has made a Decision that if we won’t surrender Our God Granted Rights to the Government we must Hate them. I know we don’t and believe the language must change to bring us together to Resolve this and time for those of Faith to Start Exercising it everywhere they go, Don’t surrender Your Freedom for a bit of Security or Soon You’ll have Neither.I’m was a Candidate 4 Maricopa…
Maricopa County Voters Wake Up B 4 the 2020 Primary
I’m speaking on the Issue of having 400 Less Polling Places to Vote in the Primary in Maricopa County, and of course it’s being blamed on the China Virus not on the Poor Operations at the County level no matter which Department they’re associated with.We’re asking Voters in Maricopa County to contact their Supervisors and let them know you don’t want 400 less Polls and get this fixed immediately as they promised back in 2018 that we’d never have this happen with the Supervisors in charge, Contact #’s; Dist 1 Sellers 602-506-1776, Dist 2 Churchi 602-506-7431 Dist 3 Gates 602-506-7562 Dist 4 Hickman 602-506-7642 Dist 5 Gallardo 602-506-7092, so far it…
AZ State Sponsored Election Fraud
Maricopa County Recorder Candidate Clair Van Steenwyk comments on Your Right to Vote. We’ve been examining the AZ’s State & Maricopa Counties actions supporting both Voter & Election Fraud in the 2020 Election Cycle to fundamentally transform AZ from Purple to Bright Blue.The Deal made by former SOS Reagan, AG Brnvich and signed onto by Gov. Ducey and then the changes made by Maricopa County Recorder Fontez of sending Early Voting Ballots out to All Voters, County Supervisors only opening 100 rather than 500 Polling Locations. Now here’s a New Final Twist and the Final Straw of Election Fraud by Fontez allowing Voters to simply line out one vote and…
Voter Fraud & Ballot Harvesting
WAKE UP AMERICA, the Socialist Dems are attempting to Steal Our Government in the Upcoming Elections This Video will explain what the Socialist Dems have prepared for the General Elections which actually start in Oct. due to Early Voting by Mail and of course the Ballot Harvesting that we know goes on in AZ especially, and how they’ve used the Federal Election Forms to register Voters and many very likely aren’t Citizens since you don’t have to prove Citizenship when using the Federal Form, and it’s not Audited at a later date as well. Our former AZ SOS Reagan along with AG Brnovich and Gov. Ducey agreed to using this…