Van's Views

USA, Cities Closed Down by ???????????

This past weekend we've had several cities highways shut down by people who say they basically are Demanding that the USA Stops Deporting Illegal Immigrants and I understand that to mean they approve of Open Borders, which will lead to No Rule of Law and No USA as a result of that the USA will cease to exist as a Sovereign Nation.

There's a group that basically believes the following: The term used to describe the idea of the Western US states being returned to Mexico is called "Reconquista," which translates to "reconquest" and refers to the belief that territories currently part of the United States should be returned to Mexican control based on historical claims that they were once part of Mexico before being ceded during the Mexican-American War, which was a common practice in those days as the side who lost a War paid Reperations to the victor in the form of Gold, Land etc., and this movement has been especally popular on many campuses in Californias College system.

The sign saying Immgrants built America is True, however most of them Immigrated Legally from Europe, and since arriving a forming our government have Built this Nation from the East Coast to the West, and many died fighting to protect it from the 1st Invasion in the War of 1812 against the British, and also Spain & Mexico and then we fought in Two World Wars and I do believe if we hadn't won WW II we'd be a much different hemisphere today and in fact many So. American Countries were extremely friendly to the Germans during the War allowing many into their countries both during and after the War.

All these people demonstrated to me is they have No Respect for the People who've fought and died in Wars, and in the Towns across the USA for several decades now being murdered, robbed, raped etc., and anyone who enters are country Illegally is by statute a criminal and many Illegals continue their history once inside our Nation, so if they believe closing down freeways and streets which prevents Citizens from their daily lives gains any support it doesn't and Burning Our Flag while Waving the Mexican Flay over it gains any form of empathy is poorly mistaken.

I suggest if they have Relatives or themsevlves have entered Illegally to return home of their own free will and then apply to Enter Legally, as the so called Left who supports them is using them just as they've used others for Decades and they've never delivered as just proven in the last Election and now with the Borders being Closed, Deportations moving forward and all the Left does is complain and seem even less relevant than they already are.

I believe many taking part are Illegals, Dreamers or Anchor Babies with parents who maybe very well be Illegals, however this once again is no way to Gain Support and in Fact makes most of us Stand Up even Firmer than before, as you truly have no Right to Demand anything anymore than someone who may enter my Private Residence would and for many this is no Different, you entered uninvited which is illegal and therefore you're the ones responsible for what's happening and not the Citizens or The New Leadership we Voted 4 .

God Bless You All; Clair Van Steenwyk

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