Harris &Walz 1st Interview / Political AD
Remember Harris said; Her Values Haven’t Changed, even if her Statements Have, Can’t be Trusted!
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I watched the Entire Political Commercial booked as an Interview, I’ve been watching interviews for well over 50 yrs. from political to Business Execs & Experts, and Americans who just have opinions and express them, and I’ve also done interviews on my AM / Internet Video Streaming, and Interviews on Video, Forums etc. with various AZ Candidates from U.S. Senate & House to State & County Candidates and that included Independents as never got any Dems on even though we invited them and also informed Citizens on various issues.
I’ve seen some interviews in the past which were close but didn’t cross the Line but this one was nowhere close to that Line and the Interviewer truly Never Challenged Harris or Walz on their answers were so obviously misleading and others just False Statements.
Let’s get Walz 1st when was asked about misstating his Military Record and would he admit it, he stated it was no more than an error in using a word and wouldn’t, also never challenged his being an Asst. Coach vs. a Coach another poor use of Words I suppose, however I do believe those watching know by now He's Not Truthful on either of these subjects, therefore can't be trusted especially when you examine his Record as Gov. of Minnesota with putting Tampons in Boys Bathrooms and allowing Minneapolis to Burn Down before calling in the Guard after the Damage was done, along with the Cost Lives and Businesses, even though Pres. Trump had asked him to and also told him he would.
Now let’s examine Harris on the Economy she said they couldn’t do what she plans to do now as when 1st in office with Biden due to what Trump left behind, well Inflation was about 1.4%, Gas 1.89, Eggs 1.49 dz., No Wars, Turned the Corner on Covid and more, but she has plans I believe she’s not sharing with us. They're now bragging about lower inflation well here's the Real Numbers under Biden, Handed over to them Jan 2021 @ 1.4, 6/21 5.1, 2/22 7.9, 6/22 9.1, Avg 4 22 8.0 1/23 6.4, 6/23 3.0, 12/23 3.4 avg. per yr 4.1, 1/24 3.1, 6/24 3.0 Avg thru June 3.25, so the Economy has slowed down with job losses and buying less to create less, however this team brought us more pain and add it the 6.5 to 8% or more to finance a home or % on Credit Card Debt at all time High the future is dim if it isn't handled by someone who knows what to do besides have a Political Agenda to Transform the USA.
Illegal Entry into the country she now says she believe the laws should be enforced, but has no plan to Cancel Biden’s Executive Orders which allows them to simply fill out a paper and enter, fly in and no problem and also refers to the Bill Trump didn’t want or it would have been solved, well that Law would have allowed a certain amount in daily and Children under 18 aren’t counted in that # so probably would have Doubled, so we’d still have Millions More of Illegals coming in, and since it would have been a Law Pres. Trump couldn’t get around so we’d be stuck with Millions of New Voters.
Harris said she wouldn’t pass a rule to Stop Fracking, however President Biden Quickly Rejoined Paris Climate Accord to Meet the Emissions Goals Will Be Harder, and Biden signed an Executive Order President Biden signed three executive orders aimed at tackling climate change, including suspending new oil and gas leasing on Federal Land and addressing the disproportionate health and environmental impacts on communities of color, this was done in Jan of 2021, and Harris made no mention of Canceling that order, remember you can issue permits all you like to make it look like you’re not stopping Oil Companies from Drilling or Fracking, however if they don’t get leases the permits are useless and the only reason we’re producing more oil now it’s being Done on Private Lands which is also more expensive and does increase the Costs of All Products made from Oil.
( One More thing according to the U.S. Constitution the Federal Government is allowed to Own or Control Lands as laid out in the Consitution is limited on to Military Arsenals and only with a States Permission), I'd say this is an Issue Trump Must Take On if we're ever going to Truly be a Free People.
Harris also said we need to Turn the Page on the Last Decade of Falled Government, now since a Decade is 10yrs. long and began in 2011 thru 2020 means the Obama / Biden was also a Failure as they controlled it for 6yrs. and Trump had to Fix it in Four plus Build It Up which he did, and but for the Covid / China Virus would have Ended his 1st Term with even Better Results than Trump did, and don't believe we'd be dealing with Harris today, so think about that when you even think about believing anything the Harris / Walz team makeup to tell you.
Remember Harris said; Her Values Haven’t Changed, even if her Statements Have, Harris / Walz Can’t be Trusted!
These are just a couple of things to recall and it’s to inform you so you can tell others not to Be Fooled again with False Statements by two People who Obviously can’t be Trusted, just look at the History of each and that alone demonstrates what the Future will Hold for US & Our Children, Grand & Great Grand Children, so Vote on Facts, so Our Liberty & Freedoms can be passed down to others to Support, Protect and Die for if necessary, and just bringing down Inflation from 9% to 3% won’t lower the Prices, it will just continue to raise them on Already High Prices.
Pres. Trump isn’t to Blame for Our 13 Women & Men who were Killed in Biden's Retreat from Afghanistan and others who were horribly Wounded, and the World’s at War on Biden / Harris Watch, No More of the Same.
God Bless You All; Clair Van Steenwyk