Radical Islam
We Must Declare War on Radical Islams’ Worldwide Terrorism More accurately, we need to form an Alliance with our True Allies in NATO, SEATO, this doesn’t include any Countries who have supported in anyway the Radical Islam Movement as all they’ve proved to us is they can’t be trusted as even Fair Weather Friends, let alone Allies. Our leaders are not taking the time to learn what Islam is about, as they keep telling us that it is a peaceful religion we will believe them. Islam is a religion and ideology all in one. The Islam religion / ideology is bent on total world domination and is willing to take the time necessary,…
US Presidents Deported Illegals
What did Presidents Hoover, Truman, and Eisenhower have in common? Find it very interesting, but wonder why you seldom hear any discussion about it? All Three Presidents did it, however we seldom hear about it. Here is something that should be of great interest for you to pass around. I did know about President Eisenhower, however while doing more research discovered that two other Presidents did so prior to Eisenhower who was very clear on this issue as he called it a Illegal Invasion and Repelled It. During The Great Depression, President Hoover ordered deportation of ALL Illegal Aliens in order to make jobs available to American citizens that desperately…
Paris Terrorism
Terrorists are Not Only Cowards They’re EVIL…. Terrorists Attack Paris: “ As Our Father in Heaven Opens His Doors to Heaven Welcoming His Children who’ve Perished.” Jean and my thoughts and prayers go to the Families and Loved ones of both those who lost their lives as well as the injured and ask others to join us in the hope of Gods’ Healing Hands in their time of sorrow and grief. This is just one more piece of evidence against the Islamic Jihadists. I hope our Allies will join together in the cause to wipe them from the Face of the Earth, as they’ve proven not be worthy of sharing…
Government & Tax Reform
US and AZ Government Reform PlanRestructure AZ Government *I’ve been calling for the US and AZ Legislatures to introduce bills calling for a complete restructuring of the entire tax systems,to bring all Laws/Statutes into compliance with US and AZ Constitution for several years now. *We have Two Choices, either a Flat Tax or Fair Tax System. A Flat Tax simplifies tax codes Unleashing an Economic Boom creating or bringing Hundreds of Companies and thousands of jobs to AZ, boosting wages and expand opportunity for all, so that those who do achieve success are punished for it. *Flat Tax Plans won't get the fed or state out of your life, *or…
Bad Trade Deals Cost America Billions!
America Trade Deals Favor Them Not US = EVIL & STUPID This video from the 1992 Campaign that more than likely cost President Bush his Re Election, however compare what he’s saying today with what those in DC are still doing to US when they passed the TPA, TPP and TPIA, and many other trade deals that take our jobs and send them out of the Country. We have major American Corporations lobbying for these deals so they can get cheap labor cost, poor working conditions etc. out of our country as well as increasing those in Our Country to either lower paying jobs or Welfare etc., and the middle…
Boycott Companies Who Support Planned Parenthood!
Evil Must Be Rewarded With A Real Boycott: Now here’s an interesting list of 38 Company’s that Donate to a Company that believes Murdering the Unborn is perfectly Moral and the best way to keep Unwanted Babies from Entering into the World. Now I realize the one thing they all have in common is they need our business whether buying one of their Products directly or using a Credit Card they issue to make money to support this Business. Join US in Boycotting these Companies 1st by letting them know if they continue to give Planned Parenthood Money you’ll discontinue doing business with them from canceling your Credit Cards &…
Gun Rights
Our God Granted Gun Rights Are Guaranteed us in the 2nd Amendment The Right to Bear Arms, is a Right Granted by God for All Americans, must include the ammunition needed for the firearms, as with no bullets the weapon is basically useless, there can be no restrictions on the Ammunition needed by the owners of the Arms, believe it's one in the same thing, and no man or court has the authority to take Our Rights from us. In the Declaration of Independence,Thomas Jefferson stated, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights…”…
Restore States Land
Restore All Western States Lands! View Relevant 2012 Video The federal government must get out of the land business and return land to states, with the exception of military bases, federal buildings and all others having to do with our national defense. More than 65% of AZ is currently controlled by the federal government and thereby doesn’t provide any tax base or economic growth to AZ. Arizonans’ State and Federally Elected Office Holders; Work together and put forth legislation in AZ and DC, to begin the process of restoring to Arizona millions of acres now under the control and management of the federal government. I've stated over the past few…
Americas’ Lost Morality!
Obama called a Fool by European Leader = s TRUTH Now the real problem when you take the time to read his entire statement is more about the people and system that made it possible for him to get elected. The country unfortunately fit the description, however the one thing he left OUT is the total disregard for MORAL Character in the comments he made. If you consider these statements made by our founders; “To suppose that any form of government will secure liberty or happiness without any virtue / Morality in the people, is a chimerical idea. “James Madison. “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.…
Education Reform
* US & AZ Education Reform –View Relevant 2012 Video We must close the Federal Dept of Ed, as it's and Unconstitutional Dept. and then the States will be able to move forward and improve the Education and Futures of our Children. Van spoke out against Amendment to HB 2184 in the AZ Senate Ed Committee, along with others. In spite of their testimony, AZ GOP Senators voted for GOP Leadership and Dr. Ward's Amended Bill, directed by Sen. President Biggs and Gov. Ducey-- you can’t do the will of the people taking orders from the GOP Leadership in AZ or DC!This hearing was long before Van decided not to…