Restore States Land
Restore All Western States Lands! View Relevant 2012 Video The federal government must get out of the land business and return land to states, with the exception of military bases, federal buildings and all others having to do with our national defense. More than 65% of AZ is currently controlled by the federal government and thereby doesn’t provide any tax base or economic growth to AZ. Arizonans’ State and Federally Elected Office Holders; Work together and put forth legislation in AZ and DC, to begin the process of restoring to Arizona millions of acres now under the control and management of the federal government. I've stated over the past few…
Americas’ Lost Morality!
Obama called a Fool by European Leader = s TRUTH Now the real problem when you take the time to read his entire statement is more about the people and system that made it possible for him to get elected. The country unfortunately fit the description, however the one thing he left OUT is the total disregard for MORAL Character in the comments he made. If you consider these statements made by our founders; “To suppose that any form of government will secure liberty or happiness without any virtue / Morality in the people, is a chimerical idea. “James Madison. “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.…
Education Reform
* US & AZ Education Reform –View Relevant 2012 Video We must close the Federal Dept of Ed, as it's and Unconstitutional Dept. and then the States will be able to move forward and improve the Education and Futures of our Children. Van spoke out against Amendment to HB 2184 in the AZ Senate Ed Committee, along with others. In spite of their testimony, AZ GOP Senators voted for GOP Leadership and Dr. Ward's Amended Bill, directed by Sen. President Biggs and Gov. Ducey-- you can’t do the will of the people taking orders from the GOP Leadership in AZ or DC!This hearing was long before Van decided not to…
Serve Our Vets!My positions on Our Military Benefits View Relevant 2012 Video No More Undeclared Wars or Nation Building, proven failed policies resulting in costs to our children. We need legislation that moves the VA into the Defense Department will also save the tax payer billions in wasted funds and fraud at the Federal Level, resulting in better care for Our Vets, as then will be directly managed by the Military and hopefully staffed at the VAs by Vets. We as a Nation have a Duty to provide their medical / mental heath needs for for life, only requirement is they served. They'll go to a VA or Pvt. Facility…
Positions on Natural Born, Birth Right Citizenship, Merit Immigration & Illegal Aliens / Low Cost Labor The US Constitution clearly requires the Federal Government to Protect the States from Invasion, with at least 1 million Illegal Aliens coming across our southern border into the States each year it's clearly and invasion. In 1954 President Eisenhower stated if you have people within you borders and don't know who they are, it’s called an Invasion. Ike also Protected and Defended America as Our European Commander during WW II), (deporting plan in June of 1954), take a lesson from a Real Commander in Chief who saw the danger of an invasion by Non…
Trumps Statement of Illegals are Criminals Angers GOP RINOs!
Rino Elites; Bush, Rubio, Romney and others = Sell Outs They all support the Patriot Act, NDAA, NAFTA and search US at airports etc., however when it comes to securing our Borders from Terrorists, Murderers, Rapists, Drug Dealers, Thieves, Job Thieves we need to shut up and go sit in the corner until they put another RINO at the head of the Ticket for US to vote for, Not This Time. We’ve had enough of your type of GOP Political Correct Cowardice. We’re going to take stands against you and those in agreement with you in selling US out. You’ll continue to Sell US and Future Generations of Americans out…
Silent Majority Speak Out Now!
Open Borders = EVIL: This is the payment America gets for the so called compassion of some in office and others who benefit from it, meaning of course the Big Businesses, Drug Dealers, Slave Trade, Prostitution, Robberies, Rapes, Overcrowded Schools, Emergency Rooms, and we can go on forever with why the Borders must be closed and Immigration Laws Enforced. However I don’t believe this will ever be fixed by those now in DC as they’ve been there some for decades and still no solutions, just more campaign rhetoric/lies to US so we’ll vote for them, one that come to mind easily is Sen. McCain’s Build the Dang Fence campaign promise/lie…
Supreme Court Ruling Not Held by Scriptures!
Supreme Courts Ruling = Modern Day Sodom & Gomorrah: Our Founders told us it would take a Moral People to maintain a Republic, well what does this say for Americas’ Morality, and remember they depended on that standard being set in the Church, that for the most part has been silent for decades now and spreading a mostly social gospel. Many seem more concerned for their tax exemptions and size than the Gospel, Read all of 1st Corinthians 6, Ephesians 5 and cross reference them, also remember the statement made by Jesus to the woman caught in Adultery to go and sin no more, not genetics as those can’t be…
AZS’ US Reps. Betray AZ Voters
AZS’ Federal Reps. Voting Against US =’s EVIL; Well we had some of the AZ Representatives say they’d stand with US, that is until one was lost his position on the Whip Team, so guess Rep. Boehner whipped all of them into shape once again. The real dilemma is that they fear Boehner and GOP leadership / $$$$$$$$$$, however they have no Respect for US the Voters in AZ or elsewhere for that matter and Rep. Gosar didn’t even Vote, so suppose he’s more than comfortable on the Fence. I hope none of you will Donate to American Crossroads, Dick Morris, Republican National Committee/National Republican Party/Republican National Congressional Committee, and be…
Taking American Jobs
TPA or TPP =’s Fewer American Jobs: When will the American Public wake up and understand what those now who say they’re serving us, are really serving? They passed NAFTA, also insist on leaving our borders open to cheap Illegal Labor to take the lower paying entry level jobs, Terrorists, Disease, Drugs, Crime, and more, while so many in the rank and file in the GOP don’t understand why those they put in office want to help Obama get this passed, in the forefront in AZ Politics is Representative Matt Salmon, and have seen several questioning his siding with Obama and against US. Well this is good for Big Business, Chamber…