Clair Van Steenwyk Thanks Our AZ & Maricopa Supporters + Endorsements?

Clair Van Steenwyk Thank You All
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Jean & I want to thank all of you who supported us in the Race 4 Maricopa County Recorder, as we knew it wouldn’t be an easy race, however you turned out and brought along your relatives and friends many were 1st time voters, it’s a Blessing watching how involved you were, and Exercising Your Right to Vote is an unforgettable experience.
The calls, emails, messages we received asking questions not just about my race but others in AZ, your trust in my opinions of those in Office and Challengers proved to us no matter the outcome it was worth the effort seeing so many searching for Information before Voting, and for this I thank You.
We achieved what some AZ Political Experts said was impossible, even my opponent said LD 12 Poll was 95 to 5 and I wouldn’t get more than 30% these statement were made to Suppress the Vote 4 me, however they were all wrong, we received 153,907 Votes or 42.5%, so it wasn’t the Overwhelming victory they’d hoped for and Increased my Faith that the Truth will Prevail in Timeand this is just one more Battle in a Political War, so stay Tuned for the Next Battle.
I hope you view the Video as I have a special message for you, I’m asking you to help us Elect others in Nov. who I Trust and hope you’ll join this effort, I seldom ever publicly Endorse Candidates, however this year I’ve found some I believe will Serve and Protect us.
If any of you would like to contact me again concerning Candidates in the General which begins on Oct. 7th, please don’t hesitate to and once again Jean & I Thank God for All of You. Link 4 More Posts & Videos;
God Bless You; Clair Van Steenwyk