AZ’s 2018 Primary Voter Fraud!

No Voice, No Vote
The 2018 Primary is in question and there are Laws now on the books to protect the Voters, but apparently they will protect the mismanaged system run by so-called elected officials, if not enforced to the letter as there are remedies in the State Statutes covering Elections, and any elector must file this complaint in the U. S. Supreme Court:
16-661.A.2, applies to the question of auto recount for the statewide office of SPI. It is the 200 vote threshold, not the 1/10 of one percent. . . . So, unless it narrows to less than or equal to 200 votes, it’s over. . . .
Unless Dr. Branch, or another elector chooses to contest on the grounds that least 62 precincts were not open, pursuant to Sec. 16-672.A.1, 4 & B: Any elector of the State may contest the election of any person declared elected to a state, or declared nominated to a state office at a Primary Election,… upon any of the following grounds: 1. for misconduct on the part of election boards or any members thereof in any of the Counties of the State, or on the part of any officer making or participating in a canvass for a State Election…
4. On account of illegal votes. [Running ballots through the machine more than once constitutes and illegal votes.] 5. That by reason of erroneous count of votes the person declared elected… did not in fact receive the highest number of votes for the office…the contest maybe brought in the Superior Court of the county in which the person contesting resides or in the superior court of Maricopa county.
16-447 B requires voting devices be prepared before any election. This apparently wasn’t done.
16-449 requires testing of the equipment & programs before the election day. SOS is responsible for this testing for an election involving state or federal candidates. Details abound, in the statute & in the SOS’s Procedures Manual! It appears that Reagan is accountable for the precinct debacle . . . once again. Because, at least 62 Precincts were not opened to Voters due to equipment not being be set up and tested. Our SOS</strong > seems to have been once again asleep at the wheel, or was this done intentionally to bring about a desired result, as she already was fairly certain this would be her last Election Cycle?
We the People must demand this of the Governor, as he does face another election in Nov, and with Reagan now having lost her bid she has no incentive to have a recount, and possibly even another Primary, when all the facts surrounding this one are in question, with the Polling places not being opened and therefore, it is doubtful they were ever tested. So, how do you Certify an Election with so many AZ State Statutes being violated?
AZ Voters must call, email, fax, tweet, and visit the Governor’s offices to get this remedied. And, please remember that Mr. Riggs, along with other candidates for AZ Supt. of Public Instruction, agreed with SB 1469 & HB 2620, stripping the office of authority. Dr. Branch campaigned against this; stating he’d fight this and other decisions, which I’m certain those in office don’t want brought up, showing the Voters just how poorly we’re all served by those whom many of you trust to serve us; while all along they serve the Political Machine in AZ, no matter the Party Label., Our Rights and Our Children’s Futures demand we Stand Up!
If the AZ Voters don’t Demand this be remedied, then, once again, the Crooked System and those who Operate the SWAMP will Defeat all of US. This can’t be allowed to happen, so, we call on All Voters to follow the request stated above and become Activists for Our Right of Suffrage. And, remember, in 2020, they could Pull this Off in the Presidential Elections. As for me, this is a Test to see whether the Voters of AZ will Stand Up, or Shut Up; Allowing the State of AZ’s “Purple Politics” to Cheat All of US and Our Children!
God Bless You All; Clair Van Steenwyk