Campaign Promises Made, Will They Be Kept?
President Trump promised that he’d Shrink the Gov. and Deport Illegals not just Criminal Illegals, and by Law anyone Entering Illegally is a Criminal, so what’s going on in DC and why has the Original Statement to Deport Illegals changed from the Message in the Primary Election?
Pres.Trump says he’ll deport more Illegals than Pres. Eisenhower, well let’s look at Ike’s Record; (Eisenhower, in office 1953-1961, oversaw a vigorous federal effort that removed Illegal Mexican Immigrants from the Southwest.
The result was not 13 million deportees, but "probably less than 1.3 million," as there was no decimal point put in place, and by the way Pres. Eisenhower Deported those who’d Entered Illegally and now Mr. Tom Homan said to J. Roberts Fox News 12/23/24 he’s not Targeting those Biden gave Protected Status to, but Criminals, as Stated Illegal Entry is a Crime, so why the Change?
Here’s a Poll just done a week ago to Transform the Gov. in DC, Totally Upend 26%, Substantial Change 56%, small change 15%, and No Change 2%, now since Pres. Trump got just 49.9% of the Vote and 82% want Substantial Change which is far more than the % of Votes Trump got and only 17% want basically very little change, so there’s a Mandate for Change and we need to remind those who asked for our Votes said they supported the Plan we Voted for then they’d better Keep their Promises as well.
The SWAMP will make it difficult to Cut Spending or Close any Agency or Dept., almost all in the House & Senate like Power and won’t give it up easily, therefore We who agree with Reforming the U.S. Government in a Substantial way must Contact All Elected Officials in DC letting them know if they don’t Honor their Word to US and thereby Pres. Trump we won’t Re Elect them in 2026, as the one thing most of them Desire is the Power as they just proved the past.
I hope You’re aware that John Thune, John Coryn, Wicker and others were Mitch Mcconnel’s Lieutenants and still the leaders of GOP Senate and Thunes now Majority Leader because of Mcconnell, it’s a Uni Party Club and neither side can’t Truly be Trusted as their Votes Reflect.
Pres. Trump made no mention when campaigning that he’d work out a Deal with the DACA / Dreamers to remain in the USA as many of these so called Dreamers weren’t under 12 and have for years DEMANDED AMNESTY with Pathway to Citizenship as a Right.
Does everyone understand what this means if done, they get what they’ve DEMANDED, they’ll be able to Vote, who will they Vote 4, and since there’s still Chain Migration they’ll bring in more family members to the USA to become citizens, so Obama’s Plan of the Fundamental Transformation of the USA will be completed.
The USA must not be Transformed as planned or we’ll have a Full Blown Marxist Socialist Government and Our Liberties will soon disappear and most under 50 don’t understand this, as most over 50 won’t be here to experience the Real Tyranny is around the Corner for Our Children, Grandchildren & Great Grandchildren, and remember the Dreamers parents knew full well what they were doing when they came here as there’s a History of this for over 60+ years, and we’ve been promised since before Reagan they’d fix it but empty promises all, and looks like it may be happening again.
I’d like to point out if an American Citizen steals money from the company they work for and gets caught and convicted of the Crime their family loses everything and the wife and children have nothing to start over with, so why do Citizens get punished when they Violate Our Laws but Illegal Immigrants get rewarded when they Violate the Law, Entering the USA Illegally by definition makes them criminals, and don’t forget we now have well over 25 Million Illegals in our Nation, which takes up housing, Ed., Medical Care, Entry Level Jobs and our Election system at risk as many states, counties and cities allow them to Vote in their Elections and then they’ll climb the Political Ladder, and many Citizens are jobless & homeless as they can’t compete for low pay entry level jobs as most illegals get paid less and then also send money back home which effects our economy directly, and they get Freebees from our tax $$$.
One Last Point the Illegals do Steal Jobs & Hopes from Americans, to name a few; Landscaping, Packing Houses, Painters, Drywall Hangers, Cement Work, Construction in General, Food Production in LA and the Midwest, Housekeeping as I’ve seen it 1st hand, as they get paid lower wages & charge less for services, however manage to get by on them as many times have more than One Family renting a Home, sharing vehicles, etc. and family members already here help them acquire jobs or even start landscaping businesses, Painting etc. as they do in AZ but most aren’t Insured or licensed, this costs Americans Futures and adds to the Tax burden and National Debt as well.
We Must Require Pres. Trump to the Same Standard as those in the House & Senate when it comes to Transforming Our Government by reminding him what he Promised All of US and many who Voted 4 Him expect nothing less, and if the Promises Made are Broken what happens in the Election of 26 when the Dems will make an Issue of It and very possibly get back votes back and retake one or both houses then where does that leave Pres. Trumps last 2 yrs. and the Future of the USA & All Our Futures as Well?
Campaign Promises Made, Will They Be Kept?
Join me this Sat. 12/28/24 @ 12:30 pm on WHY DEMS PROTECT ILLEGALS and HAVE for DECADES, IT's SIMPLER THAN YOU MAY THINK. This Weekend Sat. From 12:30 to 3 PM, Call-in to speak with the Van's Crossroads (515) 605-9878) with Questions & Civil Informed Comments. Just Click Link to Program;
I'm looking forward to speaking with all of you.
God Bless You All; Clair Van Steenwyk